The English language in students’ present and imagined identities

an exploratory practice in a state school


  • Carolina Assis Lopes Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Denise Ismênia Bossa Grassano Ortenzi Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Palabras clave:

Exploratory practice, English language, identity


As students start learning English at school, perceiving the new language as part of their identity might be a key factor in order to assume a powerful position regarding their learning process. Based on studies of identity and language learning, this paper aims at understanding, through the principles of Exploratory Practice, learners’ relationship with English and if the language is part of their present and imagined identities. The results, here presented as mutual understandings, were achieved by teacher and learners through a didactic unit for six classes, implemented in a public school with 6th grade students. These mutual understandings express that it was possible to raise learners’ awareness about the importance of the English language in their lives now and the space that this language might have in their future, although more classes would be necessary in order to have a significant change of perception regarding the many purposes for learning the English language.


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