Letramentos (des)legitimados e práticas de reexistência no Enem: uma análise dialógica de questões com textos literários
Reexistência, Letramento, Literatura, EnemAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the part of the Brazilian National High School Exam – ENEM – that makes use of literary texts. The focus is on questions about social issues proposed by the 2018, 2019 and 2020 editions of this exam. The aim, then, is to investigate the literary literacy practices (de)legitimized by the exam. As a premise, this research assumes that this Brazilian admission exam is built according to educational documents that dialogues with literacies studies. In a dialogic way, this paper evokes a set of reflections on literacies, higher education selection exams, the specificities of the ENEM and the presence of literature in this exam. Methodologically, this research uses the Dialogic Discourse Analysis framework, and is characterized as a documental and qualitative one. The results suggest an approximation of the exam, in some moments, with what we call re-existence literary literacy practices. However, at other times, there is an obliteration of non-canonical meanings and performances. It is evident, above all, little depth regarding the treatment of aesthetic dimension and the specificities of literary texts.