Digital genres in basic education and the BNCC: practice in (un)construction Reports of a teacher from the Legal Amazon


  • Selma Maria Abdalla Dias Barbosa UFNT- Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins



Digital Genres . BNCC. Legal Amazon


The purpose of this article is to discuss the conceptions of digital genres in the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), its implications and its impacts on Basic Education in a public school, questioning how the base imposes these genres to the teaching of Portuguese Language, justified by the equity of technological access. The debate was guided by the report of a public school teacher from the Legal Amazon about her conceptions of the (un)constructing discourses of the common base, the (un)favoring of non-digital 'minorities' and, consequently, the understanding of social and historical contexts of the communities silenced in these processes(MOITA LOPES, 2006; RAJAGOPALAN, 2006; SILVA, 2013). A case study, situated in Applied Linguistics, with a qualitative approach to data analysis. The instruments used were life stories of a Public School Network teacher and the elaboration of the BNCC. The results indicate that the BNCC does not constitute a national multicultural basis for the school curriculum in public schools and does not dialogue with the life narratives of students and teachers who were removed from the center of the educational process proposed by this curriculum.



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