Para além do uso em perguntas (não) retóricas, né?
discursivização da partícula né?, nas narrativas de mulheres do município de Itaberaba, BA
Funcionalismo. Discursivização. Oralidade. Partícula Né?Abstract
This research, developing about in theory perpesctive of Funcionalist Linguistic that considers the study of change lingustic inside of reals situation of use of language, invest the function works for word ISN’T? in happining of corpus formed to narrative of two information of city from Itaberaba, in Bahia. The main goal describes semantic function take for piece in study in interview, analysing, in other things, if this item has been used with your origin meaning of ask no-rethoric. In the beginning that use of piece INS’T?, in oralaty more free, represent variety of way and function; so, consider yourself theorics goals of speeching, as programatics aspects interactives: INS’T? used in asking no-rethoric;as discursive indicate and completing pause.