Decolonialidades e Epistemologia

um olhar para Educação em Ciências e Saúde


  • Gabriella Mendes UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Ciências; Decolonialidades; Educação; Epistemologias; Saúde.


The emergence of a new speech space becomes admissible to the degree to which the colonial allocution itself is put in check, becoming the center of the analysis. With this, the decolonial turn is, in fact, a theoretical, ethical and political movement, from the moment it discusses the aspirations of the objectivity of scientific knowledge in health. To this end, researchers and activists look for actions and ways of thinking that are intrinsic to their own cultures and that loom large in the face of an order that, by globalizing, ends up mute those who are seen as included within an “inferior” culture, be it whether ideological, economic or epistemic. Taking a look at science and health education, here is the opportunity to bring to light a debate about the different forms of coloniality (of being, knowledge and power) that still continue within contemporary society. The literature highlights the issue of contemporaneity as a type of invention of the colonial procedure and how much the values ​​surrounded by this paradigm intervene in the way of seeing and acting in the world, notably in the field of science and health. Therefore, this present study aimed to conduct a literature review on the influence of decolonial pedagogies in the field of science and health education. Therefore, this review sought to critically assess and summarize the relevant questions available on the investigated subject. It was concluded that the literature, in large part, discusses ethnocentric universalism, theoretical Eurocentrism, methodological nationalism, epistemological positivism and scientific neoliberalism that are present at the base of social sciences. With this, greater questions and alternative thoughts for decolonization in science and health, especially within the field of education, become necessary.


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How to Cite

Mendes, G. Decolonialidades E Epistemologia: Um Olhar Para Educação Em Ciências E Saúde. FDC 2024, 9, 189-206.