Keywords: History. Culture. PsychoanalysisAbstract
Abstract: Walking the path of popular religious imaginary, we come across the presence of the practice of praying enacted by prayer men and women from the most diverse spaces in the countryside. Their symbology, rites, and practices act as a mediation between the sacred and the earthly world in order to bring internal and external harmony to those who believe in this faith tradition. In this sense, we intend in this text to analyze the healing practices developed by these individuals through a Freudian perspective, with the intention of understanding how the relations of these rituals act in the unconscious of those who believe in this practice in order to harmonize their sense of displeasure from the analysis of the oral narratives of the women healers and the subjects who believe in these practices, taking these narratives as a source, we can, through the memories of these deponents, find the reasons that make them believe in these traditions in a historical and daily way.
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