The line as political act
Brazilian caricaturists and the First World War (1914-1918)
First World War, caricature, propagandaAbstract
The emergence of the illustrated press in the early 20th century provided a shift in the transmission of the information as well as the shaping of the public opinion. Therefore, such magazines had an important role on the coverage of the First World War (1914-1918). The intellectuals ahead the periodicals were the cultural mediators of the conflict to Brazilians, who imagined the conflict through their comments, reports, political cartoons and photographs. We seek to analyze the work about the Great War of Calixto and Storni, caricaturists that belonged to the magazine O Malho, and to identify the discourse about the war conveyed in a context in which the propaganda and censorship of the press were crucial to the development of the conflict.
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