Exclusion and inclusion:

25/5000 two sides in the same coin


  • Katiuscia Vargas Antunes Doutora em Educação. Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/UFJF. Coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação e Diversidade/NEPED


School inclusion, Disabilities, Human rights, Citizenship


The present article aims to problematize the process of school inclusion of people with disabilities in order to reveal the contradictions and marks present in this process. The concepts of citizenship and human rights, related to the consolidation of the rights of people with disabilities, as well as to the concepts of inclusion and exclusion, as sides of one another, will be presented and discussed, starting from theoretical references in the field of Sociology and education. same currency. In reflecting on these aspects we hope to contribute to the (re) significance of understanding what we mean by school inclusion and, especially, to rethink the way in which the school has historically been dealing with people with disabilities and other special needs.


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How to Cite

Vargas Antunes, K. Exclusion and inclusion:: 25/5000 Two Sides in the Same Coin. FDC 2016, 2, 54-78.