Teaching History: the challenges of the classroom in times of historical denialism


During the years of the Bolsonaro government, we lived under constant attacks on education, science and research. For us, historians, the extreme right has created an even more hostile and constantly discrediting environment with its historical revisionisms and distortions of facts. The classroom, at all levels of education, became a battlefield, in which denialism proved to be even more dangerous by encouraging the denunciation of teachers who stimulated the students' critical sense, especially with regard to justice Social.
Despite the wide election of Bolsonaristas to the National Congress, the departure of its greatest representative from the presidency of the republic marks the resumption of critical education as an essential basis for the development of society. In this sense, this dossier seeks to scale the challenges and setbacks that have marked recent years, in view of the impact not only of denialism in the classroom, but also how the covid-19 pandemic, neglected by Bolsonarist rulers, has changed life of students and teachers across the country.