Critique, crisis and reconstruction in Habermas

A dialog with Rodrigo Cordero


  • Felipe Maia Guimarães da Silva Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


critique, crisis, social learning, reconstruction, intellectuals


The article presents a reading of the relationship between critique and crisis in the work of Jürgen Habermas in dialog with the interpretation offered by Cordero (2022). It seeks to establish the relationship between criticism and the project of a "reconstructive" theory as a strategy for understanding social learning processes, based on moments of crisis and the need to solve problems. Critique takes on a more active role here, associated with the more creative functions of the language of world discolsure, understood as complementary to the cognition of systemic problems. At the same time, it is argued that Habermas' emphasis on issues of rationality does not exclude other forms of intervention, but can be compared to the defense of a "space of reasons", in which theoretical knowledge is desirable in its specificity and in which intellectuals occupy a place as participants.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. M. G. da. (2024). Critique, crisis and reconstruction in Habermas: A dialog with Rodrigo Cordero. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (37), 83–104. Retrieved from


