10) Relação entre aspectos motores e cognitivos nas dificuldades de linguagem de parkinsonianos
Inglês: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between motor and cognitive aspects of language in subjects with Parkinsons disease. Four recordings of spontaneous conversations of two parkinsonians were accomplished, with interval of one year and eight months between them. Pauses were extracted from them and classified according to: (a) degree of duration; (b) position at the beginning or in the development of the subjects conversational turn; and (c) presence of silence, sound and combinations between silence and sound. We observed that pauses occurred in a higher number, had a greater duration and appeared with sound in parkinsonians when compared with two subjects with any kind of neurologiclesion. In addition pauses increased their duration and their noise in the same two parkinsonians one year and eight months later. This kind of occurrence of pauses was characteristic of beginning of conversational turns, especially those that supposed great cognitive elaboration. Based on these evidences, we suggest that motor difficulties are correlated to cognitive ones in verbal activity of parkinsonians.Key-words: Parkinsons disease; pause; conversation
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