Protestantism, dogmatism and modernity: readings from Rubem Alves


  • Danilo Mendes



Modernity, Rubem Alves, Protestantism, Brazilian Protestantism


The life and work of Rubem Alves are clearly marked by the agreements, but above all, by his disagreements with Protestantism. This fact can be seen in various works in which this christian movement is central: either as a theoretical reference for a new humanistic language, or in contemporary fundamentalisms analyzed by it, or as the cradle of a toy called Theology. In the midst of these and other works, Alves's readings on the meaning that Protestantism and the reform have for today prove extremely fruitful and necessary. The purpose of this text is to explain such readings, to synthesize them and to consider how the readings of Rubem Alves contribute to the analysis of Brazilian Protestantism, especially when relating it to modern scientific epistemology. Keywords: Modernity; Rubem Alves; Protestantism; Brazilian Protestantism.


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How to Cite

MENDES, D. Protestantism, dogmatism and modernity: readings from Rubem Alves. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 75–86, 2017. DOI: 10.34019/2237-6151.2017.v14.26979. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.