Aron Gurwitsch, intérprete de Kurt Goldstein: a intencionalidade categorial
Aron Gurwitsch foi um filósofo lituano que se esforçou em aproximar as pesquisas fenomenológicas das pesquisas científicas da Psicologia da Gestalt. Neste trabalho, analisa-se a sua interpretação da obra do médico alemão Kurt Goldstein. Inicialmente, abordam-se as análises de cunho epistemológico que Gurwitsch desenvolve a respeito da biologia goldsteiniana, tendo-se como eixo o conceito de “organismo”. Em seguida, trata-se da utilização por parte de Gurwitsch da distinção operada por Gelb e Goldstein entre a atitude concreta e a atitude categorial. Por fim, discutem-se alguns desdobramentos e algumas repercussões da interpretação gurwitschiana a respeito da obra de Goldstein. Essas análises guiam-se pelo fio-condutor da distinção entre um nível de intencionalidade perceptiva e um de intencionalidade categorial.Descargas
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Embree, L. (2009). Biographical Sketch of A. Gurwitsch. In J. García-Gómez (Ed.). The Collected Works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973), I: Constitutive Phenomenology in Historical Perspective (pp. 41-56). Dordrech: Springer.
Gelb, A. (1969). Remarques générales sur l’utilisation des données pathologiques pour la psychologie et la philosophie du langage. InJ. C. Pariente (Ed.). Essais sur le langage (pp. 227-256). Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. (Original de 1933).
Goldstein, K. (1969). L’analyse de l’aphasie et l’étude de l’essence du langage. (G. Bianquis, trad.). In J. C. Pariente (Ed.). Essais sur le langage (pp. 257-330). Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. (Original de 1933).
Goldstein, K. (1983). La structure de l’organisme. 2. e. ed. Paris : Éditions Gallimard. (Original de 1934).
Gurwitsch, A. (1939) Le fonctionnement de l’organisme d’après K. Goldstein, Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, 36,107-38.
Gurwitsch, A. (1989). Letter to Schutz, February 4, 1950. InR. Grathoff (Org.). Philosophers in Exile: The Correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch, 1939-1959(pp. 115-117). (J. C. Evans, trad.). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Gurwitsch, A.(2009a). Phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego: Studies of the Relation Between Gestalt Theory and Phenomenology. InF. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 193-317). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1929).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009b). Critical Study of Husserl’s Nachwort. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 119-127). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1932).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009c). Goldstein’s Conception of Biological Science. InF. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 77-98). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1940).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009d). Some Aspects and Developments of Gestalt Psychology. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 1-61). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1936).
Gurwitsch, A .(2009e). Gelb-Goldstein’s Concept of Concrete and Categorial Attitude and the Phenomenology of Ideation. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 403-431). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1949).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009f). Theme and attitude. In J. García-Gómez (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), I: Constitutive Phenomenology in Historical Perspective(pp. 331-349). Dordrech: Springer.
Gurwitsch, A.(2010). The Field of Consciousness. InR. M. Zaner (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), III: The Field of Consciousness: Theme, Thematic Field, and Margin(pp. 1-412). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1957).
Husserl, E. (1972). Philosophie de l’arithmétique: recherches psychologiques et logiques. (Jacques English, trad.). Paris :PUF. (Original de 1891).
Husserl, E. (1989). Epilogue. In E. Husserl. Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy: Second Book (pp. 405-430). (R. Rojcewicz& A. Schuwer, trad.). Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Original de 1931).
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1997). Notes de lecture et commentaires sur Théorie du champ de la conscience de Aron Gurwitsch, Révue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 3, 321-342.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (2006). Fenomenologia da percepção. (Carlos Alberto Ribeiro de Moura, trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original de 1945).
Noble, S. (2008). Nature, monde, Umwelt: l’espace de la vie. Merleau-Ponty, Goldstein et Kant. Alter: Revue de Phénoménologie, 16, 49-67.
Pintos, M. L. (2005). Gurwitsch, Goldstein, Merleau-Ponty: Analyse d’une étroite relation, Chiasmi International, 6, 147-171.
Pintos-Peñaranda, M. L. (2008). Aron Gurwitsch: Fenomenología de la percepción y encuentro con KurtGoldstein, Investigaciones fenomenológicas, 6, 327-355.
Verissimo, D. (2012). A primazia do corpo próprio: posição e crítica da função simbólica nos primeiros trabalhos de Merleau-Ponty. São Paulo: Editora UNESP.
Gelb, A. (1969). Remarques générales sur l’utilisation des données pathologiques pour la psychologie et la philosophie du langage. InJ. C. Pariente (Ed.). Essais sur le langage (pp. 227-256). Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. (Original de 1933).
Goldstein, K. (1969). L’analyse de l’aphasie et l’étude de l’essence du langage. (G. Bianquis, trad.). In J. C. Pariente (Ed.). Essais sur le langage (pp. 257-330). Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. (Original de 1933).
Goldstein, K. (1983). La structure de l’organisme. 2. e. ed. Paris : Éditions Gallimard. (Original de 1934).
Gurwitsch, A. (1939) Le fonctionnement de l’organisme d’après K. Goldstein, Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, 36,107-38.
Gurwitsch, A. (1989). Letter to Schutz, February 4, 1950. InR. Grathoff (Org.). Philosophers in Exile: The Correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch, 1939-1959(pp. 115-117). (J. C. Evans, trad.). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Gurwitsch, A.(2009a). Phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego: Studies of the Relation Between Gestalt Theory and Phenomenology. InF. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 193-317). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1929).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009b). Critical Study of Husserl’s Nachwort. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 119-127). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1932).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009c). Goldstein’s Conception of Biological Science. InF. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 77-98). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1940).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009d). Some Aspects and Developments of Gestalt Psychology. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 1-61). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1936).
Gurwitsch, A .(2009e). Gelb-Goldstein’s Concept of Concrete and Categorial Attitude and the Phenomenology of Ideation. In F. Kersten (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), II: Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology(pp. 403-431). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1949).
Gurwitsch, A.(2009f). Theme and attitude. In J. García-Gómez (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), I: Constitutive Phenomenology in Historical Perspective(pp. 331-349). Dordrech: Springer.
Gurwitsch, A.(2010). The Field of Consciousness. InR. M. Zaner (Ed.). The Collected Works of AronGurwitsch (1901-1973), III: The Field of Consciousness: Theme, Thematic Field, and Margin(pp. 1-412). Dordrecht: Springer. (Original de 1957).
Husserl, E. (1972). Philosophie de l’arithmétique: recherches psychologiques et logiques. (Jacques English, trad.). Paris :PUF. (Original de 1891).
Husserl, E. (1989). Epilogue. In E. Husserl. Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy: Second Book (pp. 405-430). (R. Rojcewicz& A. Schuwer, trad.). Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Original de 1931).
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1997). Notes de lecture et commentaires sur Théorie du champ de la conscience de Aron Gurwitsch, Révue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 3, 321-342.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (2006). Fenomenologia da percepção. (Carlos Alberto Ribeiro de Moura, trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original de 1945).
Noble, S. (2008). Nature, monde, Umwelt: l’espace de la vie. Merleau-Ponty, Goldstein et Kant. Alter: Revue de Phénoménologie, 16, 49-67.
Pintos, M. L. (2005). Gurwitsch, Goldstein, Merleau-Ponty: Analyse d’une étroite relation, Chiasmi International, 6, 147-171.
Pintos-Peñaranda, M. L. (2008). Aron Gurwitsch: Fenomenología de la percepción y encuentro con KurtGoldstein, Investigaciones fenomenológicas, 6, 327-355.
Verissimo, D. (2012). A primazia do corpo próprio: posição e crítica da função simbólica nos primeiros trabalhos de Merleau-Ponty. São Paulo: Editora UNESP.