Family functioning and the practice of offenses by female adolescents
Adolescents in conflict with the law, Family, Gender.Abstract
With the increase in the number of offenses committed by females, this study aimed to investigate the family functioning of judicialized adolescents and the significant differences in comparison to males. Data were collected with 50 adolescents (30 females). All would be from socially vulnerable families, permeated by verbal and/or physical conflicts. Maternal parenting practices would be "risky" for both genders, but paternal practices only for females (t=4.088; p=0.000). One third of the sample would have been subjected to abuse and neglect, but adolescent girls reported more emotional (t=-4.384;p=0.000), sexual (t=-2.892,p=0.007) and physical (t=-2.061,p=0.045) abuse. The differences detected indicate more victimization of the female.
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