Associations between character strengths and parenting styles in adults




psychological evaluation, positive psychology, virtudes, family relations, emotional states


Character strengths and parenting styles can be protective factors against the development of psychopathologies. The literature indicates such an effect on childhood and adolescence; however, it is necessary to understand it better in adults. This study investigated the association of such constructs in 424 participants (aged between 18 and 73 years) from a Brazilian sample and considered differences related to sociodemographic characteristics. The Character Strengths Scale (CSS-Brief) and two adapted Responsiveness and Parental Requirement Scales (RPRS and RPRS-Parents) were used. The highest magnitudes associations were between the strengths and the responsiveness dimensions of the RPRS’s (r between 0.13 and 0.40). More responsive participants, with children and with a higher level of education, had higher averages in the factors of CSS-Brief.


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