Training needs of families to manage the use of mobile phones by their sons and daughters




Formación Parental, Competencia Digital, Competencia Mediática, Competencia Parental, Dispositivos Electrónicos


Families face new challenges associated with the use that minors and adults make of electronic devices at home. It has become clear that the concerns that legal guardians have regarding the time their children use on the internet and the dangers that minors may encounter are increasing. This concern is increased because sometimes families do not have full knowledge of the information their children access. In addition, in many cases, there is no control over access to the content that minors access. In this context, it is necessary to provide families with training resources to alleviate their training limitations. In this line of work we have spent several years developing a work project whose purpose is to implement different training resources adapted to their needs. For this, we set ourselves the following objectives related to the intention of knowing the opinion of the families: what are the topics that the training actions should deal with, and, on the other hand, establishing the type of training format that would best suit their needs. A mixed-type study has been carried out, following a DEXPLOS sequential exploratory design. The qualitative phase was developed through two discussion groups and the quantitative phase used a Likert scale questionnaire. The conclusions show that it is necessary to advance in the training of families in different digital, media and parental skills.


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Author Biographies

Francisco J. Poyato López, Universidad de Córdoba

 Doctor por la Universidad de Córdoba, España. Director de Formación e Innovación Docente. Secretario de la Red Alfamed. Dpto. de Educación, Universidad de Córdoba, España

Antonia Ramírez García, Universidad de Córdoba

Doctora por la Universidad de Córdoba, España. Directora de UCODigital y especialista en Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación. Dpto. de Educación, Universidad de Córdoba, España.

Mª Pilar Gutiérrez Arenas, Universidad de Córdoba

Doctora por la Universidad de Córdoba, España. Socia del grupo “Comunicar”. Dpto. de Educación, Universidad de Córdoba, España.


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How to Cite

LÓPEZ, F. J. P.; GARCÍA, A. R. .; ARENAS, M. P. G. . Training needs of families to manage the use of mobile phones by their sons and daughters. Lumina, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 27–42, 2023. DOI: 10.34019/1981-4070.2023.v17.40184. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



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