Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020): Dossier - Hegemonic and counter-hegemonic identities and sexualities. Feminities and masculinities in authoritarian times

All Biology is queer: subjectivation and diversity

José Luís Ferraro
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Published 2020-04-18 — Updated on 2021-04-28



  • Biology,
  • Queer,
  • Gender and sexual identities,
  • Individuation,
  • Subjectivation processes

How to Cite

Ferraro, José Luís. (2020) 2021. “All Biology Is Queer: Subjectivation and Diversity”. Locus: History Journal 26 (1):172-88. https://doi.org/10.34019/2594-8296.2020.v26.29804.


By supporting the argument that all Biology is queer, this paper aims to shed light on an important discussion regarding the mistaken use of biological knowledge related to the complexity of gender and sexual identities construction theme. The negative instrumentalization of this science and the naivety related to its discursive understanding produces a series of errors commonly used to keep queer bodies in an abnormal condition in a patriarchal, heteronormative and binary society. Thus, the article intends to show that Biology is essentially based on – and by – biodiversity and its epistemology comprises queer modes of existence, although there is no type of biological determinism, but singular arrangements responsible for the constitution of these subjectivities – individuation processes related to forms of desire, modes of affection and performances, producing in the counter-hegemonic condition of subjects queer forms of possible resistance.


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