The rhetorical construction of abstracts of articles published in journals of different qualis
Análise de gêneros, Resumos de artigos, Organização retóricaAbstract
The general objective of this article is to analyze the rhetorical organization in summaries of articles produced by writers of magazines of categories A1 and B5. For this, we theoretically based on Swales (1990), Biasi-Rodrigues (1999), Bernardino and Valentim (2016), Motta-Roth and Hendges (2010), Oliveira (2019, 2020), among others. The analysis corpus was chosen through searches on the Plataforma Sucupira and Periódicos Capes websites, with the choice of delimiting for journals of qualifications A1 and B5 with publications in the Linguistics area. After selecting the journals, we selected only the first ten abstracts, written in Portuguese, from the articles, totaling 20 abstracts. From the analysis, we arrived at the identification of eleven rhetorical steps, ten of which were present in the two magazines and one present only in the second. The most recurrent steps were those corresponding to the objectives, results and theoretical foundation (Steps 1, 3 and 7). We also noticed that among these eleven steps, only six corresponded to the magazine's standards.
- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-09-02 (1)