Videogames sob uma perspectiva bakhtiniana: entrelaçando dialogismo e ludologia


  • Graziella Steigleder Gomes PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Dhaiele Santana Schmidt PUCRS



Dialogism. Videogames. Bakhtinian theory. Ludology.


Videogames from a Bakhtinian perspective: interweaving dialogism and ludology


ABSTRACT: In this article, we aim to establish, based on the analysis of a small, but representative corpus, possible points of contact between the Bakhtinian theory, also referred to as dialogic theory, and ludology, an area of study whose object of interest is games, comprehensively. To this end, we limited the scope to specifically contemplate games in their digital modality, the called videogames; thus, we seek to identify how dialogism occurs in these specific types of games. Although there are still many inequalities regarding the use, by a large part of Brazilians, of technologies that allow access to games, these have enjoyed increasing popularity, especially among younger people. However, there is little information available about the dialogic link that is established between users and these media. In fact, only three articles that operate in this intersection were found, all by the same author: two about games that have literary pieces of work as a backdrop; and one on advergames. The absence of studies that simultaneously take into account the Bakhtinian theory and videogames attests that this is a fruitful area for future studies, as dialogism in these games occurs at different levels: between game/player, programmer/player, player /player, among other interaction paradigms. Thus, based on the analysis carried out, the relevance of research that contemplates these paradigms was verified, especially if videogames focused on pedagogical issues are considered, as they can provide an increase in learning, through the various dialogic and interactive possibilities which are present in them.


KEYWORDS: Dialogism. Videogames. Bakhtinian theory. Ludology.



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Author Biography

Dhaiele Santana Schmidt , PUCRS

Doutoranda em Letras no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGL-PUCRS). Bolsista CNPq.




