“A Revolta das Máquinas” (1896) de Han Ryner: uma crítica anarquista individualista à mecanização da vida


  • Gilson Leandro Queluz Universidade Tecnológica federal do Paraná




Han Ryner, anarquismo individualista, literatura anarquista


This article analyzes the short story “The Revolt of the Machines”, originally published in 1896 by the individualist anarchist Han Ryner. By narrating an imaginary revolt of sentient locomotives against the powerful engineer Durdonc, led by the first machine capable of self-reproduction through the technique of parthenogenesis, Jeanne, the tale enables an understanding of themes pertinent to the anarchist tradition, especially the individualist one. Thus we come across, with scathing criticisms of the organization of work, militarism, vivisection, science and technology as elements that frame life. In this way, Ryner demonstrates in an exemplary manner the role of anarchist literature in the fight against the injustices of capitalist society and in the defense of an unprogrammed, emancipated future.


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How to Cite

Queluz, G. L. “A Revolta Das Máquinas” (1896) De Han Ryner: Uma crítica Anarquista Individualista à mecanização Da Vida. FDC 2024, 11, 68-82.