A Noção de Racismo Toroidal

Uma alegoria eletromagnética para a compreensão do fenômeno do racismo


  • Guilbert Kallyan Da Silva Araújo PPGFil - UFPE


Structural racism; Systemic racism; State structuring; Colonialism; Toroidal racism.


The issue of Racism as a central phenomenon for understanding the structure of the Brazilian state is a topic widely debated by a number of authors. We highlight the contributions of Silvio Almeida and Muniz Sodré, given the ideas of Structural Racism and the Systemic formatting of reality by Racism. As much as both attest to the centrality of colonialism, both sin in terms of the dimension of racism towards the subject. I propose, through an allegory of electrical physics, an understanding that not only describes the way in which racism is ingrained in the process of formation and maintenance of the state, but also apprehends the implications for the black subject. I seek to describe a systematized notion of racism as a structure for building reality and the subject, but it does not present itself in a totalizing way, opposing the concepts of Structural and Systemic Racism with a Toroidal view of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Da Silva Araújo, G. K. A Noção De Racismo Toroidal: Uma Alegoria eletromagnética Para a compreensão Do fenômeno Do Racismo. FDC 2024, 10, 21-35.