Morte e vida Tenetehara:

a luta dos Guardiões da Floresta


  • Jairo da Silva e Silva Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA)


Povo Tenetehara. Guardiões da Floresta. Devastação da Amazônia.


Considered the largest Brazilian biome and the largest reserve of biological diversity in the world, the Amazon concentrates the majority of Brazilian indigenous societies. Among the 305 indigenous peoples, more than 180 live in the Amazon and carry with them the mission of protecting and preserving it. Therefore, this article takes a certain look at the struggle of the Guardians of the Forest in defense of this territory by the Tenetehara people, located there. If, on the one hand, the State recognizes the social organization, customs, languages, beliefs, traditions and the original right over the territories occupied for millennia by the indigenous people, on the other hand, nowadays, what is seen are structured processes of violence instituted by the hegemonic power. from colonization to coloniality. The Tenetehara struggle highlights the numerous epistemes which made possible the indigenous existence in thousands of years, long before the European invasion, as well as guaranteeing the practices of resistance in contemporary times.


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How to Cite

da Silva e Silva, J. Morte E Vida Tenetehara:: A Luta Dos Guardiões Da Floresta. FDC 2023, 8, 108-122.