Considerações a respeito da “nova política” brasileira na “frente ampla” bolsonarista de 2018


  • Matheus Alves Soares Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



Nova política. Bolsonarismo. Eleições de 2018.


Considering the context of the 2018 elections, this article intends to analyze what would be the “new politics” in the context of something that can be understood as an anti-PT “broad front” that culminated in the election of Jair Bolsonaro to the Presidency of the Republic. Based on existing bibliography, interviews and posts on social networks, we intend to discuss what is understood by “new politics”, what were the main names of that moment and what moved them to unite in that context, as well as what today does with that much of this support has dissipated, with the clamor for a “third way”.


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How to Cite

Alves Soares, M. Considerações a Respeito Da “nova política” Brasileira Na “frente ampla” Bolsonarista De 2018. FDC 2022, 8, 76-91.