Cultural Cultural mediation through digital media: the role of the mediating intellectual in the production and sharing of content on the Internet

the role of the mediating intellectual in the production and sharing of content on the Internet


  • Pedro Jardel Fonseca Pereira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



Key words: Intellectual history; Cultural mediators; digital media editor.


Abstract: This article aims to reflect on how the editor of digital media sites, that is, the one who produces and shares content on the Internet, can be understood as an intellectual mediator, based on the understanding of “Cultural Mediation”, by the authors Ângela de Castro Gomes and Patrícia Hansen, a new concept that has been discussed in the field of intellectual history. We will make a brief retrospective on the emergence and establishment of Intellectual History in France, as well as some notes on the definitions and discussions regarding the term intellectual.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Pereira, P. J. Cultural Cultural Mediation through Digital Media: the Role of the Mediating Intellectual in the Production and Sharing of Content on the Internet: The Role of the Mediating Intellectual in the Production and Sharing of Content on the Internet. FDC 2022, 8, 92-111.