Diplomacy within the Museum

The Museum of the Federal University of Pará (MUFPA) as a stage for Cultural Diplomacy


  • João Victor Polaro Soares UFPA




Museum, cultural diplomacy, soft power, culture, International Relations.


This research aims to understand the cultural exhibitions at the Museum of the Federal University of Pará – MUFPA, which were sponsored, held or had the help of institutions or diplomatic representations, during the period from 1987 to the year 2015. The focus of the work is to argue from the meanings of Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power (Brando Power), the influences and references that can be extracted from the little studied relations between museums and International Relations. In short, the work manages to develop an information board of these exhibitions and adds possible interests of these institutions in carrying out cultural events in a given museum space


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How to Cite

Polaro Soares, J. V. Diplomacy Within the Museum: The Museum of the Federal University of Pará (MUFPA) As a Stage for Cultural Diplomacy. FDC 2021, 7, 5-20.