A request and multiple developments:

The case of Pedro Weingärtner’s painting - Rodeio


  • Luciana da Costa de Oliveira Unisinos




Pedro Weingärtner, Brazilian paiting, Rodeio


Pedro Weingärtner (1853-1929) was one of the most distinguished artists from Rio Grande do Sul in the early 20th century. Formed by important art institutions in Europe, the painter dedicated his paints and brushes to diverse themes, among which the immigration spaces in Rio Grande do Sul and gauchos' activities. Therefore, it is focusing on the latter that the intention is to problematize the issues surrounding the elaboration of the painting Rodeio, completed in 1909 and carried out following an order from the government of Rio Grande do Sul state. The threads that compose not only the request for the painting, but, above all, its realization and subsequent rejection, when woven together, provide the opportunity to perceive multiple developments, that range from the knowledge of Porto Alegre's artistic panorama in the early 20th century, to the statute of art and its functions in a society that still perceived it in an incipient manner.


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How to Cite

da Costa de Oliveira, L. A Request and Multiple developments:: The Case of Pedro Weingärtner’s Painting - Rodeio. FDC 2020, 6, 270-293.