Performance Revitalize:

A dialogue with the poetry of the artist Laura Miranda, within the scope of Escultura Pública Event in 1992




Performance Revitalize, Laura Miranda, Escultura Pública Event


The Escultura Pública event was a milestone for the artists of Paraná at the time and for society due to its revolutionary discourse in the design of the project, even the controversies generated from the violent withdrawal of works by the mayor of the time. The only work that remained was the proposal by Laura Miranda, installed at Rua XV de Novembro, in the center of the city of Curitiba, object of performance Revitalize. This article aims to establish a relationship between the proposal of the referred performance in dialogue with the poetic proposal of the artist Laura Miranda, within the scope of the Escultura Pública event, in 1992. This urban action drew the attention of the inhabitants of the city to the phenomenological, social and political relations mobilized by Laura Miranda's work, especially with regard to the debate on public art.


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Author Biography

Juliane De Oliveira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)

Mestre pelo programa de pós graduação em Educação pela PUCPR. Graduada em Administração de Empresas pela Sociedade Paranaense de Ensino e Informática; MBA em Gestão Estratégica da Qualidade e Sistemas de Gestão Integrada pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná; pós graduada em Formação Pedagógica do Professor Universitário pela PUCPR.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, E. P.; De Oliveira, J. Performance Revitalize: : A Dialogue With the Poetry of the Artist Laura Miranda, Within the Scope of Escultura Pública Event in 1992. FDC 2021, 7.