The portuguese immigration to Madeira River:

Trajectory, profile and social networks (1840-1918)


  • Paula de Souza Rosa Universidade Federal do Pará



Portuguese Immigration, Profile, Social Networks, Madeira River


This article seeks to analyze Portuguese immigration to the Madeira River, in the state of Amazonas, between 1840 and 1918, from the individual and collective trajectory of 91 subjects, through the passports and qualifications records of the Portuguese Consulate in Pará. The social profile of Portuguese immigrants is observed, the social networks that made possible the multiple displacements that these individuals experienced along their trajectories and aspects related to the role played by these subjects on a local scale, with the advance of the commercial and extractive frontier in the Amazon, and globally, with advancing capitalism over new areas of exploitation.


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How to Cite

de Souza Rosa, P. The Portuguese Immigration to Madeira River:: Trajectory, Profile and Social Networks (1840-1918). FDC 2020, 6, 288-313.