The moors of the sand against the baron:

political conflicts in Itapemirim in century XIX


  • Laryssa da Silva Machado Licenciada em História (2007), Especialista em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional (2009), Especialista em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (2016). Mestranda do Programa da Pós-graduação em História da UFES (2017-2019). Docente de História da Rede Municipal de Marataízes-ES



History of Itapemirim, Political Conflicts, Province of Espírito Santo, João Nepomuceno Gomes Bittencourt, Joaquim Marcelino da Silva Lima


This  article  aims  to  address  the  political  conflicts  that  occurred  in  Itapemirim, southern region of the Province of Espírito Santo, during the second half of the 19th century. Farmers from the region held political posts in the province and kept in touchwith important people in the Court. Thus, the local parties, Macucos and Arraias, aligned themselves with the Conservatives and Liberals in the second half of the nineteenth century, and their leaders were involved in denunciations of the slave trade in the Court. The conflicts between Colonel JoãoNepomuceno Gomes Bittencourt, leader of the Macucos / Conservadores party, and Joaquim Marcelino da Silva Lima, Barão de Itapemirim, leader of Arraias / Liberais, had repercussions even in the visit of the Emperor to the Province. They also used newspapers to discuss their ideas.


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How to Cite

da Silva Machado, L. The Moors of the Sand Against the baron:: Political Conflicts in Itapemirim in Century XIX. FDC 2019, 4, 116-138.