Between Brazil and the United States:

divergences and convergences during the First Reign (1822 - 1828)


  • Abner Neemias da Cruz Doutorando em História na Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. Atualmente é bolsista da CAPES.



Relações Brasil -EUA, First Reign, Brazil-USA Relations


This article aims to discuss agreements, conflicts, negotiations and pacts achieved between Washington’s Government, under the management of James Monroe (1822-1824) and John Quincy Adams (1824-1828), versus Dom Pedro I’s Government (1822-1828). Some specific problems involving Americans and Brazilians will also be examined. We believe that relations  between  the  two  States  were  officially  started  in  1824,  but  the  timeframe  of  this study cover until the ides of 1822 to contextualize the diplomacy’s projects between the two.  We  conclude  our  analyses  in  1828,  when  the  Treaty  of  Amity  and  Commerce between both Governments was signed.


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How to Cite

Neemias da Cruz, A. Between Brazil and the United States:: Divergences and Convergences During the First Reign (1822 - 1828). FDC 2019, 4, 1-18.