Caudilhism and Clietelism in Latin America: a Conceptual Discussion


  • Luciano Everton Costa Teles Doutorando em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Professor Assistente da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas/CEST. Bolsista FAPEAM (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas)


Warlordism, Clientelism, Conceptual Discussion


This article aims to discuss the concepts of warlordism, highlightingits elements of conceptual and historiographical renewal, and patronage, presenting the foundations of its formation and its characteristics. Seeks to show that these conceptual advances have contributed to opening new thematic, methodological and interpretative approaches.  


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How to Cite

Costa Teles, L. E. Caudilhism and Clietelism in Latin America: A Conceptual Discussion. FDC 2019, 1, 100-114.