Same-sex marriage and the National Congress: an analysis of the three last legislatures

uma análise das três últimas legislaturas


  • Lívia Gonçalves Buzolin Escola de Direito SP da Fundação Getulio Vargas



LGBT rights, Legislative Branch, mobilization of actors, same-sex marriage, legislative activity


Same-sex marriage, civil union and starting a family for homosexual people in Brazil was an achievement through the Cortes. More than a decade after the decision of the Federal Supreme Court that recognized same-sex unions, no legislation on the subject has yet been approved. This paper investigates the stability of the rights of the same-sex family recognized by the Judiciary. The analysis of legislative activity in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate is divided into two periods: 2011 to 2018 (54th and 55th Legislatures) and 2019 to 2020 ( 56th Legislature). The research shows that, when comparing these two periods, there were significant changes in relation to (i) the volume and valuation of legislative activity; (ii) the actors who are mobilizing around the theme and (iii) what has driven the distribution of legislative proposals, that is, the reason why the proposals were made necessary in the view of the lawmakers.



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How to Cite

Gonçalves Buzolin, L. (2022). Same-sex marriage and the National Congress: an analysis of the three last legislatures: uma análise das três últimas legislaturas. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (35), 151–172.


