Education and sustainable development in the political context of the 2020 elections in Caxias do Sul/RS


  • João Paulo Borges da Silveira UCS; FURG



Sustainable development, City elections, 2030 Agenda


This article aims to analyze how sustainable development was discussed by the candidates in dispute of 2020, in Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil, with respect to Objective of the 2030 Agenda, regarding quality education. The study is justified by fact that Education is a universal right, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, and which is directly related to the social dimension of sustainable development. As for the methodological procedures, this study is outlined as an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach and bibliographic and documental typology, using the government plans present by the candidates for the election. Content analysis was used for data processing and interpretation. The analysis and discussion of the documents showed that goals resented by Objective 4 are contemplated, at least in part, in the proposals presented to the population, with emphasis on the proposals to guarantee access to Kindergarten, Elementary School and Youth and Adult Education. A point that draws attention is that of the 11 plans, only the candidates propose specific actions for the training of teachers and in relation do guaranteeing access to education for vulnerable people and people with disabilities, it is deficient in the plans presented, and the indigenous people do not are entered in none of the programs.


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How to Cite

da Silveira, J. P. B. (2023). Education and sustainable development in the political context of the 2020 elections in Caxias do Sul/RS. CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, (36), 325–350.


