
  • Daniela de Oliveira Werneck Rodrigues Hemominas
  • Mônica Calil Borges Ferreira UNIPAC
  • Patrícia Montesi Pereira UNIPAC
  • Maria Teresa Teixeira Bustamante UFJF
  • Estela Márcia Saraiva Campos UFJF
  • Carlos Marcelino de Oliveira UNIPAC e UFJF


Triagem Neonatal, Falciforme, Hemoglobinopatias.



The sickle cell disease is the most common inherited haematological disease in the world, and Sickle Cell Anemia is the most notorious of hematologic heritable changes in humans. This article presents the historical evolution of the process of creation and implementation of the Neonatal Screening in Brazil and parts of the world. The screening for newborns began in the 50 decade, but only from the decade of 60 the Programs of Neonatal Screening began be installed in several countries. The "Foot Test" is a strategy for the early diagnosis of congenital diseases that some are often imperceptible to the medical examination in the neonatal period, but that move adversely, leading to the emergence of sequels often irreversible. The sorting of hemoglobin is an important analysis for the prevention of sickle cell disease, which constitutes a Public Health problem in our country, after all it is estimated that in only Brazil there are approximately 10 million individuals heterozygous for the genes of hemoglobin.


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Author Biographies

Daniela de Oliveira Werneck Rodrigues, Hemominas

Médica Hematologista da Fundação HEMOMINAS; Mestre em Ciências da Saúde IPSEMG; Professora Adjunta da UNIPAC e SUPREMA.

Mônica Calil Borges Ferreira, UNIPAC

Acadêmica de Medicina da UNIPAC/FAME; Fonoaudiologa; Especialista em Gestão Ambiental; Bolsista Fapemig/Hemominas.

Patrícia Montesi Pereira, UNIPAC

Acadêmica de Medicina da UNIPAC/FAME; Bolsista Fapemig/Hemominas.

Maria Teresa Teixeira Bustamante, UFJF

Médica, Epidemiologista; Doutora em Saúde Coletiva pela UERJ; Professor Adjunta da UFJF;Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva e do NATES/UFJF.

Estela Márcia Saraiva Campos, UFJF

Enfermeira; Doutora em Saúde Coletiva pela UERJ; Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela UERJ; Professora Convidada da UFJF;Pesquisadora do NATES/UFJF e do LAPPIS/IMS/UERJ

Carlos Marcelino de Oliveira, UNIPAC e UFJF

Médico Hematologista do Instituto Oncológico; Professor Adjunto da Disciplina de Fisiologia da UFJF; Professor Assistente das Disciplinas de Fisiologia e Hematologia da UNIPAC/FAME





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