Health education with workers: report of an experience


  • Amanda Assis Gonçalves
  • Danila Batista
  • Luciana Abreu Miranda
  • Renata Odete de Azevedo Souza
  • Suellen Müller Santos
  • Rosângela Maria Greco


Workers generally need to have, in their place of work, some moments in which they can talk and know other ones’ opinions about their helth-disease process. Enterprises that invest in this moment have a gain in their workers’ motivation, involvement and responsability, what directly reflects in their productiveness. Based on this, and from a request to us to gauge the blood pressure of workers from a car selling and maintenance enterprise, from March to September of the year 2006, we began a health educational work in this enterprise. This work is a report of the experience with these workers, with the purpose to contribute to the prevention of diseases and stimulate the promotion of workers’ health. Therefore, through a work group with five students from the seventh grade of the graduation course of the Faculdade de Enfermagem of the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (FACEN/UFJF) with the supervision of a professor who is specialist in worker health subject, we managed to develop a significative experience that we believe to have contributed in an effective way in the development of a distinct attention to the worker, emphasizing and stimulating the practice of a healthy and productive work life.


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