Understory bird community from wildlife protected areas: diversity, seasonal variation and similarity


  • Aloysio Souza de Moura
  • Felipe Santana Machado
  • Marco Aurélio Leite Fontes
  • Gabriela Trindade de Barros
  • Henrique Fazolin
  • Julia Martins Nava
  • Sônia Yuki Okutani Kimoto
  • Letícia Somini Capecce
  • Thalia Cristina Machado




The bird diversity is threatened and many studies have been focusing on preservation and conservation efforts. For example, Wildlife Protected Areas are created in order to protect this diversity, however, just few areas have been created, which increases the need of private initiatives to support the environment conservation challenge. The Quedas do Rio Bonito Ecological Park is a protected area located in south of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Herein, we present the median richness when compared to others studies in southeastern Brazil, as well as richness estimative of the understory stratum, seasonal variations and similarities among areas. Therefore, this paper presents arguments to assist future conservation studies since the knowledge on community in different areas is primordial when comparing the environment conditions in Biological Conservation projects.


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