Calcium changes in Bradybaena similaris (Férussac, 1821) (Mollusca, Xanthonychidae) under starvation


  • Cristiane Soido Dutra Rodrigues Moreira
  • Edna Maria Gomes
  • Generoso Manoel Chagas
  • Jairo Pinheiro


The effects of different periods of starvation on the calcium in the hemolymph and its deposits in the shell of Bradybaena similaris (Férussac, 1821) were studied. The calcium content in the hemolymph of fed snail was 20.76 mg/dl being reduced in 83.77% after thirty days of starvation. The calcium content
in the shell of the starved snail was 46.37 ppm CaCO3/g of shell, wet weight, with a reduction of 24.78% after the same period of starvation. The changes on calcium deposits in the shell were lower than that observed in the hemolymph, but both varied significantly. The results were discussed.


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