Seletividade de inseticidas a Polybia (Trichothorax) sericea (Olivier, 1791) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) em condições de laboratório


  • Loyana Pedreira Santos
  • Janete Jane Resende
  • Gilberto M. M. Santos
  • Carlos C. Bichara Filho
  • Vanessa P. G. Santana Reis


The selectivity of insecticides carbaryl, trichlorfon, deltametrin, lufenuron the Polybia (Trichotorax) sericea (Olivier, 1791) was going evaluated in dosages that caused up to 84% of death toll between individuals of this species. The insecticide lufenuron was going considered the most selective, trichlorfon showed intermediary selectivity (6% and 48% of death toll, respectively). While deltametrin and carbaril weren’t going considered selective insecticides (84% and 82%, respectively).


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