Isolamento social modifica o perfil bioquímico de ratos


  • Karina Maria Cancelliero
  • Dirceu Costa
  • Carlos Alberto da Silva


The purpose of this work was to evaluate in male Wistar rats the solid and liquid intake the hepatic (HG) and the muscular (MG) glycogen contents and the plasmatic concentration of free fatty acids (FFA), glycaemia (GLY) and corticosterone (COR) comparing a group submitted to isolation (ISO) to a group of rats contained 3 in each cage (AG). The values were evaluated by normality test followed by t - Student test (p<0,05). The ISO group presented a significant increase in the intake represented by 30% in the solid and 66% in the liquid and a significant increase of 32% in COR. The HG was increased in 2 times, the soleus MG in 6 times and the gastrocnemius MG 3,5 times, significantly different when compared with AG group, without alterations in GLY. The results showed that the better condition of housing for rats is three per cage because the stress and plasmatic corticosterone is reduced following the
social behavior of this specie.


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