Coordenadas insulares de la otredad:

apuntes para la imagen de la mujer y la identidad femenina en la ciencia ficción cubana


  • Anabel Henríquez


As an analysis of the representation of female authors and their narrative presence in Cuban science fiction, this article covers the period from the 1960s to first decades of the twenty-first century. It illustrates how, despite advancements in visibility and recognition, significant challenges remain in the acceptance of these authors by publishers and academia. The text highlights the role of Cuban women authors in expanding thematic and stylistic horizons, illustrating a shift from stereotypical female characters to more complex and psychologically balanced figures. It also explores the works of various generations, led by the trailblazer Daína Chaviano, and confirms that the real and equitable integration of women into the genre still faces considerable barriers, despite the increased presence in publications and covers.


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