About “André Carneiro nos quânticos da incerteza: o centenário”, by Ramiro Giroldo





The book "André Carneiro nos quânticos da incerteza: o centenário" (2022) by Ramiro Gilroldo, addresses the life and work of the Brazilian artist, promoting analyzes with emphasis on his textual production: poems, short stories and novels. Divided into five chapters, the essay is capable of providing an overview of the author's style, in addition to providing numerous readings, proving that Carneiro was an artist not of his time, but of time. Giroldo's study also problematizes the noun uncertainty, articulating a terrain that runs deep through the science fiction genre, but which is not limited to it in order to survive.


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Author Biography

Carolina Silva, UNICAMP/Doutoranda

Doutoranda em Multimeios (Unicamp), mestra em Comunicação Audiovisual (Anhembi Morumbi), especialista em História da Arte (Faculdade Paulista de Artes) e bacharel em Rádio, TV e Internet (UAM). É roteirista, professora de comunicação e arte, colaboradora do portal Delirium Nerd e desenvolve pesquisa relacionada às personagens femininas nos filmes de ficção científica brasileiros. E-mail: carolinacarol@gmail.com

