
the homosexual presence in Mexican classical melodrama


  • Francisco Marín Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana




Mexican melodrama has been considered the national film genre by excellence. It is through their images and their representations that an identity, both individual and social, has been consolidated. Within their filmic discourses, norms are established and reproduced that dictate the duty of men and women, attributing to them a way of acting, living together and even loving.

It is in this cinematographic genre, one that is governed by hegemony, that the first representations of homosexual men appear in Mexican cinema. In what way are the sexual dissidences that turned their eyes on the street visible? What is the way to represent what, in heteronormative eyes, should not exist? How can sexual dissidence coexist in the same space in which morality and good customs are the norm to live?

Through the analysis of key representations of the homosexual in the classic Mexican melodrama, it is intended to account for the structures used, firstly, so that homosexuality is visible and secondly, to begin to forge an identity. In the same way, the mechanisms used by the cinema to build these representations will be analyzed.


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Author Biography

Francisco Marín, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Francisco Marín López se encuentra estudiando el Doctorado en Humanidades en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco. Es maestro en Estudios Cinematográficos por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad La Salle. Diplomado en Teoría y Análisis Cinematográfico por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Su línea de investigación se centra en el tema de masculinidades y homosexualidad en el cine mexicano contemporáneo e historia de la representación homosexual en el cine. Es programador del Foro/Muestra de Cine LGBT+ Extopia. Edita el sitio web Miradas Múltiples.

