Wonder Woman

counter-hegemonic visual pleasure and an ambivalent feminist subjectivity





This article aims at discussing the way through which, although producing a position of the eye-subject that may be considered counter-hegemonic in relation to gender representations in mainstream Hollywood cinema, the construction of visual pleasure in Wonder Woman (Patty Jenkins, EUA, 2017) eventually articulates an ambivalent feminist subjectivity through its association to a hegemonic femininity that contributes to perpetuate discourses that assume the universality of whiteness and heterosexuality. Considering that Wonder Woman was released in a context of feminisms renewed popularity and its growing presence in media culture, the film is, thus, a privileged territory to observe the intense negotiations between cinematic conventions for gender representation and contemporary feminist discourses that contest such a construct.


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Author Biography

Natalia Engler Prudencio, ECA-USP

Natalia Engler Prudencio é mestre em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), e jornalista com mais de dez anos de experiência na cobertura de cultura, com passagens por veículos como Folha de S.Paulo e UOL. E-mail: natalia.engler.jor@gmail.com.

