O mundo não precisa de mais um pistoleiro feminilidades e masculinidades desconstruídas em Godless (2017)

feminilidades e masculinidades desconstruídas em Godless (2017)



In this paper we will analyze the American limited series Godless (2017) having as a research problem to think about the masculinist origin of the western genre and understand how the series in question proposes to deconstruct gender (sexual) expectations and reveal the aspect of performativity involved in its construction. Our methodology is based on film analysis, comparing the series with the conventions of the Western genre and trying to think it from texts by authors who study feminist issues and gender representations, as well as Freudian and Lacanian concepts related to the phallus, missing and looking. We will try to demonstrate that, within the communicative conventions of the western and mass culture, Godless proposes a questioning of gender stabilities.


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