“I am not the wife of Lucifér, I am his mother”:

Motherhood, gender, witchcraft, and femininity are the fruits of Pombagira Dona Figueira.


  • Eduardo Regis PPCIR/UFJF




Pombagira. Umbanda. Motherhood. Witchcraft.


            Umbanda is a hybrid religion that combines elements from different sources and is mainly characterized by its colorful palette of spirits, among which Exu and his female counterpart: Pombagira stand out. The relationship between Pombagira and Umbanda necessarily involves its unmistakable association with the feminine as something dangerous, free and that does not lend itself to social conventions. However, the plasticity of Pombagira cannot be restricted. During a visit to the Centro Espírita Estrela Guia (Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro/RJ), the head of the house, Pombagira Dona Figueira, showed her maternal side in an interview, subverting the most ordinary expectations about the imaginary of Pombagira. This article reflects on the notion of Pombagira in Umbanda and Quimbanda, following the revelations of Dona Figueira, which are surprisingly and complexly intertwined with Catholic elements, witchcraft and Brazilianness.


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How to Cite

REGIS, E. “I am not the wife of Lucifér, I am his mother”: : Motherhood, gender, witchcraft, and femininity are the fruits of Pombagira Dona Figueira. . Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 21, n. 2, p. 163–184, 2025. DOI: 10.34019/2237-6151.2024.v21.45706. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/sacrilegens/article/view/45706. Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.