The importance of religion in the context of palliative care
palliative care, religion, spiritualityAbstract
It is an exploratory and bibliographical research, with a qualitative approach and historical method, the result of a doctoral study with the objective of analyzing the relationship of patients under palliative care and their families with religion. In January 2017 and January 2018, 8 patients and 3 family members of patients admitted to a hospital in the city of São Paulo specialized in palliative care were interviewed. A semi-structured script was used with questions about the religious experience before and after the illness. The results were 8 (72.72%) were Catholic, 2 (18.18%) were spiritists and 1 (9.09%) were atheist. Most (54.54%) sought help within their own religion, however, 2 (36.36%) said they accepted help from any religion. Confirming the hypothesis that showed that (81.81%) seek support in religion when facing death.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Isabel Cristina Bueno Palumbo, Carlos Antônio Braga de Souza, José Augusto Oliveira Dias, Leandro de Sousa Rocha
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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