The Quilombola Women of COSNEC (Group of Black Consciousness of Cel Xavier Chaves) and their artistic actions: Ressignification and empowerment


  • Nilza Maria Pacheco Borges


religion, art, gender, resignification, empowerment


This study, which uses qualitative research and ethnographic method, aims to verify - from the musical performances shown through the singing and dancing of the women of COSNEC (Black Consciousness Group of Cel Xavier Chaves in Minas Gerais) The transformation that took place in their lives, social and affective, for the dissemination of the culture of black origin, in order to practice, at the present time, the values of their slave ancestors in the Catholic and Afro-descendant syncretic context.


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Quilombolas Entrevistados

Ana Paula – Integrante do COSNEC
Beth – Integrante do grupo COSNEC
Balúcia – Integrante do grupo COSNEC
Beto – Integrante do grupo COSNEC



How to Cite

PACHECO BORGES, N. M. . The Quilombola Women of COSNEC (Group of Black Consciousness of Cel Xavier Chaves) and their artistic actions: Ressignification and empowerment. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 125–134, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.