The modern witch and the re-signified character: relations between religious and media


  • Dartagnan Abdias Silva


Witchcraft, media, Wicca, paganism


The current work aims to realise a short contextualised anthropological study about the image of the witch present in a recent North American series: The Secret Circle, based in the author's Lisa Jane Smith literary piece. Then, in an attempt to understand the relation between the Witchcraft religious practice and its correspondence to the media, mainly to the teenager’s media, to describe the change of the social imagetic regarding the image of the witch – contextualised to the practice and to the religious scenery.


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How to Cite

ABDIAS SILVA, D. . The modern witch and the re-signified character: relations between religious and media. Sacrilegens , [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 3–22, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.