Reading Practices, Writing Practices: love letters and intimate writings - France and Australia, 19th century Martyn Lyons PDF (Português (Brasil))
Class and Language: notes on the debate around “Languages of Class” by Stedman Jones Paulo Fontes PDF (Português (Brasil))
The people and the emperor: popular classes and image of the Monarchy in the court and in the capital of the Republic Ronaldo Pereira PDF (Português (Brasil))
The Philadelphia Adventurer: Theophilo Ottoni and the conquest of the Mucuri River Valley Regina Horta Duarte PDF (Português (Brasil))
The Bonfim Cemetery: death in the mining capital Marcelina das Graças de Almeida PDF (Português (Brasil))
The Dismantling of a Work: the rejection of Tiradentes by Pedro Américo Maraliz de Castro Vieira Christo PDF (Português (Brasil))