Vol. 9 Núm. 2 (2003): Locus - Revista de História

The Fausto caipira: Joaquim Macedo Bittencourt and the faces of "modernity" in Ribeirão Preto in the First Republic (1911-1920)

Palabras clave

  • Urban History,
  • Ribeirão Preto,
  • Modernity

Cómo citar

Paziani, Rodrigo Ribeiro. 2003. «The Fausto Caipira: Joaquim Macedo Bittencourt and the Faces of "modernity" In Ribeirão Preto in the First Republic (1911-1920)». Locus: Revista De Historia 9 (2). https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/locus/article/view/20591.


Through the character Joaquim Macedo Bittencourt, doctor and mayor, we will analyze the interventions and urban changes in Ribeirão Preto during the First Republic, the bonds of intimacy between politics and the private power of the coffee elite and the traces of modernity of the city.


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